Engineering Education Scheme Wales
Posted: July 26th, 2023
The Scheme
The Engineering Education Scheme Wales is a non-profit, educational charity. It’s objective is to demonstrate the value of an engineering career to students, and the value of the next generation of engineers to the current engineering industry. As part of our commitment to engaging with the communities we operate in, we were excited to work with The EESW and the John Frost School as part of their 6th Form Project (2022-23).
The 6th form project
The main goal of the project was to give students the ability to interact with real-life engineering problems and create their own solutions. As part of this process, we provided a brief that outlined an existing issue with testing the strength of our bonding glue, and gave them the opportunity to come up with a real solution. In aid of this, we gave the students a tour of our factory, and showed them 3D renderings to help strengthen their understanding of the task and our industry as a whole.
Our Project Coordinator, Abdallah Nasser, worked with the students to oversee their progress and assist with any issues. Our Contracts & Engineering Director, Stephen Griffiths, worked as a judge on the day of the event and helped the EESW evaluate the final written-up report and presentation from other schools participating in the event.
The outcome
As a result , the students gained hands-on experience with real-life engineering issues, and a clearer picture of what it’s like to work in the industry. The John Frost students ended up with a higher than average score for their work, which involved a report, presentation and a fully functioning prototype. They also developed a range of samples used to demonstrate their understanding of the panel constructions, and in recognition of our work with them, we received certificates from the EESW for our participation in the 6th Form Project.
If you’d like to learn more about our team, our story, who we are, or our dedication to sustainable business practices, don’t hesitate to visit our “About” page today!
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