Leading Aerospace Manufacturer

Client: Leading Aerospace Manufacturer

Installer: CREST

3,000m² cleanroom project for a leading aerospace company

We supplied and delivered our high-specification, Puracore cleanroom components for a large facility expansion of one of the world’s leading aeronautics companies. We worked alongside one of our valued partner and cleanroom installers, CREST, and the main contractor, Merit, the expansion project based in Bristol, UK.

  • FM
  • 444
  • 2,200
  • Walls up to
  • 15
    vision panels
  • 16
    single leaf doors

Project Details

The client’s project required various cleanrooms including a changing area, assembly room, materials lab and the main cleanroom which was 607sqm in size.

We supplied a total of 444 and approximately 2,200m² worth of FM-approved Puracore 50mm aluminium honeycomb core panels to form most of the structure with some walls reaching heights of up to 6m. These panels were finished in uPVC White Food Safe laminate and complete with a box frame to all four edges.

The client required several large rapid-rise doors in sizes up to 5m wide x 5.5m high to be installed, Our panels were adapted to fit and support these doors laterally eliminating the need for additional structures.

We also supplied 15 fully flush vision panels, 16 semi-flush single-leaf doors and 1 double-leaf door which fit seamlessly within the system. Our vision panels were installed into a viewing corridor so the client could showcase the cleanroom to any business stakeholders. Our collaboration with Stancold resulted in a high-rated cleanroom for the end-client.


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